Optical & Laser Diagnostic Techniques In-Use:
- Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Imaging (Single & Multi-Photon)
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) & High-Speed Chemiluminescence Imaging
- Digital Inline Holography (DIH)
- Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
- Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS)
- Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII)
- High-Speed Shadowgraphy & Schlieren Imaging
- Digital Particle Tracking
- Other: Absorption Spectroscopy, Femtosecond-Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging (FLEET), Four-Wave Mixing, Polarization Spectroscopy, Raman/Rayleigh Scattering, Stimulated Raman Scattering
Measurement Parameters:
[*The focus of our work is on in-situ, spatially (x-y-z) and temporally (t) resolved, high-repetition-rate measurements.]
- Physical Properties → Temperature, Pressure, Velocity, Density, Heat Release, Vorticity,…..
- Chemical Properties → Chemical Species Imaging (H, O, N, C, Kr, Xe, OH, CH, NO, CO, CH2O, C2H2, NH3, …..)
- Particles → Size, Shape, Velocity/Acceleration, Momentum, Chemical Speciation,…..
Recent Research Projects:
- Ultrafast Laser Imaging for Reactive Chemical Species in Combustion and Propulsion Applications
- Pollutants and Soot Formation in Gas-Turbine Combustors
- Novel Laser Diagnostics for Explosives and Airborne Chemicals
- Experimental Data Sets for Validating Complex Combustion Models
- High-Temperature Combustion and Chemical Kinetics in Counter-WMD Environments
- High-Pressure Combustion Research
- Hypersonic Flight Weather Interactions
- Amplified femtosecond laser system and frequency-conversion unit
- Nd:YAG lasers and dye lasers
- High-power CW lasers
- High-speed CMOS cameras and image intensifiers
- Intensified CCD (ICCD) cameras
- High-resolution spectrometers
- Fiber-coupled spectrometers
- High-bandwidth digital oscilloscope
- High-pressure gas cell
- Calibration burners
- Custom-built burners for gaseous and liquid fuels
- Numerous optics and optical components
- Various electronics and diagnostic hardware
TAMU Collaborator Facilities & Centers:
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Turbomachinery Laboratory (TEES-TL)
Hypervelocity Impact Laboratory (HVIL) @ TAMU RELLIS Campus
National Aerothermochemistry and Hypersonics Laboratory (NAL)
Institute for Quantum Science & Engineering (IQSE)
External Collaborators :
Our Sponsors: